Billing Procedures

Cleveland County Water (CCW) has 3 different billing cycles each month due to the size of our system and your cycle is based on where you live in Cleveland County and the surrounding area. Cycle 1 bills are normally sent out between the 13th – 15th days of each month, Cycle 2 bills are normally sent out between the 28th – 30th days of the month, and Cycle 3 bills are normally sent out between the 21st – 23rd days of each month. CCW strives to send bills to all customers based upon approximately 30 days of service; however, this can vary slightly due to holidays, inclement weather conditions or other unexpected factors. Bills are due and payable 25 days from the billing date since water service has already been received and are past due and delinquent after the due date listed on the bill (Due date listed on bill does not extend time for any past due balance). All bills paid and received after the due date listed on your bill will incur a 10 % late charge. Bills not paid 30 days after billing date are subject to water disconnection. No second notice or phone calls will be sent to customers reminding them of payments that are past due. Customers who fail to receive their bill from the US Postal Service are not excused from the responsibility for timely payment or late charges of all services provided.

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